Kids Karate: Contact us for more information
Contact Us Kids Karate Classes

Karate For Kids

Setting success through strong character, belief-in-self and being activate!

Life Skills
Our students learn and demonstrate discipline, focus and respect for others. The child must demonstrate these qualities not only in the dojo but also in regular school and at home. Some, of many other subjects developed in class, include self-care, building good habits, managing anger and taking responsibility for one’s actions.

Self Confidence
The program develops self-protection skills in case the child ever finds themselves in danger when alone. This training also gives the child a sense of accomplishment and self worth from meeting challenges and obtaining goals (rank is earned, not given). Feeling good about themselves in this way empowers kids to act and be themselves comfortably around others. It also strengthens them to make correct choices when faced with peer pressure.

Physical Activity
Our classes are action packed and fun! Exciting and entertaining training gives a child motivation to get off of their electronics and into class where they will grow, building their balance, coordination, strength, health and happiness.

Kid's Karate

Online Special

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