I’m instructor Scott Pedersen. I started teaching martial arts in 1993 and, since that day, have followed my passion of helping others.
Thinking About Training?
I tell people who are looking into the martial arts to first ask themselves ‘What is it that I want to accomplish?’ Do you want competition, fitness, self defense or something else entirely? If personal protection (and the safety of your loved ones) is your primary goal I can help! I teach a no-nonsense, reality based, program called Self Defense Decode.
About Self Defense Decode
Decode is a system designed to intelligently build your protection skills from the ground up. Focusing on highly successful moves against common dangers and threats; the program prepares you for situations as diverse as: how to control a violent person without harming them, to the extreme opposite of protecting yourself against multiple armed assailants. Just a few of the other ‘bad day’ situations covered include dealing with larger opponents, being jumped and what to do if you are down on the ground.
Another key part of Decode is that, from the start, it teaches you how to handle hostile encounters using the natural weapons of your body. This is important because a person who knows unarmed defense is always armed.
Self Defense Decode is an adult program and is appropriate for teenagers and up (the oldest student to train with me was 82 years old). Though the training will improve your balance, coordination, power and speed, nothing we do requires extreme athleticism; you can use its techniques over a life time. We develop your protection skills around your physical abilities, giving you effective alternatives that will work for you.
In addition to the benefits mentioned above, Self Defense Decode classes are friendly and fun which makes training with us an activity you’ll look forward to.
Self Defense Online Special
Two weeks of classes FREE
A ‘no obligation’ opportunity to try it out!
- The Synergy of Martial Arts and Yoga - September 7, 2024
- CLOSED for Labor Day - September 2, 2024
- The Transformative Power of Self-Confidence - August 10, 2024