Self Defense Decode
Safety, peace of mind and empowerment through training.
Smart From The Start
The system is named ‘Decode’ because it breaks self defense into fundamental concepts taught in an understandable way.
In general, the top 20% of learned skills protect you in 80% of self defense situations. To optimize training you get these must-know-skills right out of the gate!
Real World Problems
It is imperative to understand that most dangers are initiated by common (untrained) attackers.
With this in mind Decode prepares you for situations as diverse as: how to safely control a person known to you who has become violent, fast-defense against sucker punches, handling larger opponents, shutting down tackles & takedowns, being prepared with ground fighting if you need it, protecting yourself against multiple attackers and dealing with armed assailants.
Built For You
Nothing learned requires extreme athleticism; one can use these skills over a lifetime.
Self defense is custom-taught to effectively work for each individual person.
Both Educational and Entertaining
Though dealing with serious subjects, teachers are personable, fellow students friendly and the classes fun!
Online Special
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