Fight Muscle Loss: Lift Weights

Fight Muscle Loss: Lift Weights When you think of a typical older person, one thing likely comes to mind: frailty. Even if you can’t really identify any obvious illness, there is something about most elderly people that communicates frailty and weakness. They probably...

Labor Day

Labor Day Hey guys, First off we would like to let everyone know that this coming Monday is Labor Day and the gym will be closed in observance of the holiday. If you need to reschedule any private lessons, see Dr. Rick or Mr. P to book those. We here at Synergy wish...

Relax and Lose Weight

Relax and Lose Weight Want to get healthy and lose weight? Then relax. It’s true. Relaxing is good for you, and what better day to brush up on relaxation facts than to go over some of the science behind the effects of relaxation.So relax and read on for tips! The role...

Back to School Tips

Back to School Tips Have you noticed? The days are getting a little shorter, store aisles are full of school supplies and you may have seen a school bus or two making practice runs in your neighborhood. All this can only mean one thing: it’s back to school time! If...

Knife Attacks!

Knife Attacks! A little bit more on the serious side this week guys, we’re going to talk about the realities of Knife Attacks! There frightening, remarkably damaging and one of the hardest attacks to defend against. Knives are easy to get a hold of, easy to...