A new offering at the School
Instructor Jake has just become a certified Yoga Instructor (yogi) and is going to start offering sessions at synergy Martial Arts. Doing either Yoga or marital arts offers great self-improvement but doing both gives one a synergistic boost.
Mind-Body Connection
Both yoga and martial arts have a well known surface level of connecting the mental and the physical; improving one directly improves the other.
Discipline, Focus and Stress Relief
Whether it’s holding a yoga pose or executing a martial arts technique, both benefit greatly by being fully present in the moment. Concentrating on the task at hand is a also a great stress reliever as it takes you away from the days problems.
Physical Benefits
Yoga improves flexibility, balance, range of motion and core strength, which greatly enhance a martial arts practice. A limber strong form can give the upper hand in a physical altercation.
Combining yoga with martial arts can lead to a more holistic approach to fitness and well-being, enhancing both physical and mental health.