Hey guys, it’s getting to be just about that time again…there’s lights everywhere, people are shopping in record numbers, everything seems to be available in a pumpkin spice version and there is definitely a chill in the air. So this week were going to chat a moment or two about the Holidays and take this chance to say…Happy Holidays!
So, to answer the question a lot of people have been asking the last couple weeks, yes we are going to be taking a little bit of time off for the Holidays.
Specifically we are going to be open this week till this Friday, December 23rd then were going to be closed from then thru till Monday, January the 2nd. Classes this week will be held as normal with the exception of Saturday.
Although we train hard here at Synergy, we do recommend you take this time to recharge your batteries, catch your breath and spend some quality time with your loved ones. This is the season to count your blessings, drink some eggnog and let those people you care about know just how important they are to you.
We’d also like to take a minute to share how much we appreciate each and every one of you here in the Synergy family. When we opened up we had a vision in mind that we wanted this to be more of a family than any thing else.
Most schools and gyms have a meat grinder sort of a feel and we really wanted to avoid that.
In the last three and a half years we have really noticed that the gym has definitely become more of a family, just looking back at the Holiday party this year with over 25 attendees and the way every one was interacting really proved this. This was all you guys and we can’t tell you how much this means to us and how much we love this!
Happy Holidays! and a very Happy New Year!!!