New Year Schedule 

Hey guys, we wanted to give you a heads up there is going to be a New Year Schedule starting this January 2nd when we get back from the Holiday break.

There will be couple of name changes, Kenpo Combatives is becoming Tac-Tech and the Combat Conditioning is being renamed HitFit.

Here’s a copy of what the new schedule will look like:

Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
6:30 a.m.   Hit Fit   Hit Fit   9:30 a.m.Kali
12:30 p.m. Hit Fit Tac-Techs – Intermediate Hit Fit Tac-Techs – Basic Hit Fit 10:30 a.m.Hit Fit/

Kids Karate Basic

5:30 p.m. Hit Fit/Kids Karate


Hit Fit/Kids Karate


Hit Fit/Kids Grappling


Hit Fit/Kids Karate


Tiny Tigers3-5 years olds 11:30 a.m.NuYu/


6:00 p.m.   Kali Kali 12:30 a.m.DNA/

Kids Karate Advanced

6:30 p.m. Kickboxing  Kids GrapplingExperienced
7:00 p.m.   NuYu   NuYu
7:30 p.m. Tac-Techs DNA Tac-Techs Black Belt DNA


Along with the new and improved schedule there’s going to be a new fitness class offered on Tuesdays and Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and Saturdays at 11:30 a.m. based on the same advanced scientific principles used by the DNA system called NuYu Fitness.gymnuyu

NuYu will focus on fat loss, increasing performance and muscle sculpting. Using anything and everything from kettle bells to barbells to gymnastics, this is the one of the most effective workout programs around. After a lot of research Dr. Rick has found that when you combine NuYu with the metabolic blast our HitFit classes are based on you get not only a double shot of fat burning but also the fastest way to reshape your body and build the best physique you’ve ever had.

Also reminder guys, if your planning on going to the Holiday party this Saturday please sign up on the sheet in the front of the gym ASAP so we can let Chili’s know how many of us to expect, thanks!!!