Tac Techs Testing and The “Way of the Sword” Seminar
Hi there everybody!
So just a quick reminder about whats coming up at Synergy in the next couple of weeks,
First off, it is test time for Tac Techs coming up next Saturday the 31st, tests will be held during the normal class time so whatever is your normal class time is when you would test. This is your time to shine and get that next rank!!!
Second thing, starting next week we introducing our “in house” seminar series. These will be member and invite only mini seminars covering specialty subjects. Were kicking off with the katana or as more commonly known the samurai sword, this seminar will cover 3 weeks with the first week being an introduction to the Japanese system Kenjitsu, week 2 will cover the rare Filipino system of the 2 handed sword known as Weedo or Quido and last but not least the third week will be practical application or what Dr. Rick jokingly refers to as “zombie preparedness”.
With the in house seminar were planning to cover :
Tactical pen
Gun Disarms / Gun Retention
A lecture series on the legality of pre and post self defense encounters
and many more.
If there is something you’d like to request as a mini seminar, please let us know, between Mr. P and Dr. Rick theres almost no self defense or martial art subject that can’t be done.
Thanks guys and have a great week!!!