Hiya guys, today we’d liked to talk about Scenario Training and how it can vastly improve your training.
So, most Martial Arts systems do a lot of what is called “Technique” training. What this is, is the Instructor will give a move for a certain attack or situation and then have the class work thru the move several times. Now this is a very good way of learning how to use that one move against that one attack, but the down side is that the student can only use that one move if that exact attack comes in. Normally if there is any variation to what the bad guy is doing to attack them, the student freezes up and winds up not being able to defend themselves against the threat.
By adding an element of surprise or pressure to the drills the student can learn how to adapt and/or modify the technique to fit a wider variety of situations. This is known as Scenario Training. Our Kinetix Defensive Method and C-Tac systems are based on this fundamental principle and there by gives the students a much higher probability of success when they’re defending themselves or a loved one.
For example, C-Tac has what are called sidewalk drills. These Scenario Training Drills help students recognize threats, learn how to avoid the threat and if all else fails how to most effectively and quickly neutralize the attack in order to escape without knowing the level of threat coming in.
Another really good example comes from Kinetix. The KDM system covers the majority of environments that you might encounter in a real world confrontation. KDM has Scenario Training Drills for the wall, attacks while your seated in a chair, how to strike from a multitude of positions like kneeling and lying on your side. All of which use the same “multi tools” so you can become remarkably comfortable in the widest spectrum of possible scenarios.
If you’re really looking for good Self Defense, try to incorporate as many Scenario Training Drills as you possible can.
All right, side notes:
The next KDM test in going to be held on Wednesday, April 6th at 7:30. Even if you’re not testing come out and support your Synergy Family!
Next: due to popular request Synergy will be holding another active shooter response specialty training late in April, exact dates forth coming. This next course will cover a unique concept called “smothering” and can be extremely effective with in a group of people.
Okie Dokie guys, have a fantastic week and we’ll see ya soon!
- The Synergy of Martial Arts and Yoga - September 7, 2024
- CLOSED for Labor Day - September 2, 2024
- The Transformative Power of Self-Confidence - August 10, 2024