Testing and Turkey DayTesting and Turkey Day

Hi there everyone, with this weekend rapidly approaching and the holiday coming up in a few short days, this week were going to talk about Testing and Turkey Day.

First off, let’s talk about testing…

The Kids Karate and TacTecs test is this coming Saturday the 19th at the regular class times.

Here’s a couple of tips to make sure that you preform at your absolute best if you’re testing:

  1. Make sure you get plenty of rest the night before the test.
  2. Have a light, healthy breakfast before hand, nothing to heavy as that will weight you down and you want to do the best you can.
  3. Review…review…review…as much as you possibly can. Remember The Kids Karate and TacTecs programs are built around memorizing your techniques and you’ll need to be able to preform them as perfectly as you can.
  4. And most importantly, relax. If you come into the test all stressed out it will affect your performance but if you can go in knowing you know the material you’ll do awesome!

Above all have fun! Remember the test is only a way to keep track of your progress, if you don’t make this one, work a little harder and you’ll ace the next one.

Next up, national over eating day…LOL

We talked about ways you can minimize the damage done on Thanksgiving last week. And how you can relax and not stress out over it.

So instead of rehashing all of that…just a reminder that the gym will be closed from Thanksgiving Day till the following Monday the 28th.

After we open back up on the 28th, there is going to be a few schedule changes.

Were going to be adding more HiitFit classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Our Tactical program C-Tac will be bumped up to twice a week on tuesdays and Thursdays @ 7:30p.m.

And by popular demand were adding a HiitFit class on Fridays at 5:30p.m.


Okay guys, ley us know if you have any questions about the new schedule or the testing and have a wonderful week!!!




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